Sunday, November 14, 2004

This is me, my sister, and my mom... Posted by Hello

This is me and my dad at Disneyland!!! Click to see my second blog: Posted by Hello

Take A Wild Trip!

Take a wild trip! Click here to take the trip!!!:Posted by Hello

My Birthday Picture

This is another one! Click here: Posted by Hello

This is another picture at my birthday. For my best
friend's website click here: Posted by Hello


This is a picture of a purple gamecube,
without a TV...


This is me, Matthew, and Keisuke.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Site No.3

I have another website called The Gabbay Family. (My Family)Click here:Posted by Hello


Here is a picture that my band likes...
To visit our web click here.

The instrument my band likes best is
the "Electric Guitar":
Wew, That was a great nap, goodbye!


Hello, my name is Ariel Gabbay!? Thank you all
for seeing my "webdings"


Dedication 3

To my good frind Matthew...
You were a great friend, since kindergarten to grade 3 we were very
good friends! I am glad to remember you, thanks for being my friend...

Thank you,
Ariel Gabbay

November 14th 2004

Today I woke up...
I started working on my comix...
Then, I edited this blog................
No one was awake, but me....OOOOOhhhhh,
I'm getting sleepy, good night...............

Friday, November 12, 2004

My 8th birthday

This is us at bowling, I am covering Mathhew's eyes, Sam is holding his hand! Ages ago, in my
eighth birthday, we went to bowling! I had more friends like, Eden, Junya, and more...
Mathhew hated pictures, so we held him, so my dad can take a picture!!! Ha, ha, ha.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

You can always contact!

You can always contact me if you want...
Don't think: "Oh, I can't get help!!!"
Don't think you can't do it! It's perfect
to e-mail or comment. Thanks very much.

Dedication 2

To Keisuke,

You are a true friend although, we
sometimes fight, but we get together
after. It is perfect to play with you
even though you never came to my
house, and I never came to yours...

Thank you,
Ariel Gabbay

My 4 Websites

1. My web:web no.1
2. My web:web no.2
3. Family web:web no.3
4. Best friend web:web no.4

Is a blog what you want?

Please choose what you want to create:
(if you dont want, then dont click)


November 11th 2004

I woke up, I mean my mom woke me up...
I was so tired, I fell of bed without feeling
anything! I had to get dressed, wash face,
and brush teeth... Then, I hurried on the
computer so I can win the race to it! My
mom was getting on dad's phew, I sighed,
I got on my computer before my sister...
Then, I worked on the blog, and went to
school...I went myself to the bus stop, I
waited there a few minute till` the bus

Note to all

***Hello all blog visitors***

If you are not a friend or family, then I'm
glad you found this place... You will learn all
about me!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


To my best friend Eden...

I am happy to be you'r best friend,
you are fun, even though you are
at least a year younger than me...
You are a true friend. A friend of
all friends. You are very fun...
For a friend, you are great!

Thank you,


To create a movie click here.
To create a website click here.
To create a blog click here.
To create a e-mail click here.

My Best friend

This is me and my Best friend, Eden, to visit
his website click here... Sorry I couldent turn the
picture around, sorry...
I'm at the top.

Favorite Comix


How would you say,
Do you know One-piece?
It's my favorite comix...
Whatta` about ya`?
Comment to answer...


I am searching for comments...
I will send back a comment.
I will really appriciate that!

Who are you, and what do you want?

So, Who are you and what do you want?

If you want to know who I am, click here.

It lookes to me as if your up to no-good.

I could see you from here, if you are willing

not to get captured, stop being up to no-good.


Friend's message

***Ariel's Friends***
(Don't the stars add a nice touch!?)
Hi, hi, hi...
We are Ariel's friends,
We will post here,
We hate to say goodbye...

November 10th 2004

I woke up, in a speed of a flash I jumped on my computer, and
started working on my blog. (2 minutes later) My mom came
and told me it was time to get dressed, brush my teeth, and wash
my face. After I checked MY e-mail...
I love working on the computer,
webs, blogs, anything, I'll take it! Then, I went to school for that day.
I stayed at school more to learn more about websites (every wednesday).

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

My Family

My family is:
Asher: My Dad
Tali: My Mom
Hila: My Sister
Ariel: Myself

We will enjoy talking to you...
Sorry I can't add a picture here
But I can add 1 of our websites:
See ya` around.

My Friends

I have many friends...
Eden Levy
Junya Nakajima
Keisuke Ozeki
And Many More...

Welcome to my Blog

Hi and welcome to my blog.

I will be posting here regularly, so come and visit often!

So, whatta` ya` say, already enjoying!? Kewl`, I don't wanna`
to spoil, this is all I can tell ya`:
Ya` goin` to have so So SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad to see you'r enjoying! This is my first time on making blogs,
but I have made four websites... I hope you enjoy you'r visit! My 2
best websites are:
Click here for website no.1
and click here for website no.2
Now, I have not the time to talk, see ya` around.