Friday, March 18, 2005

Who's Back?

Hello! Who is back? ME! I am back! Yay! Let's celebrate! What? [Talks on telephone]
Darn, I'm not back! [Telephone rings, Talks on telephone] Yay! There is someone back! That is... ME![Telephone rings] I am Ariel, you are whoever, Hello? What? No way! How come? Yes, no, no, no. DARN IT![Hangs up] I am not back. Or am I? Arrrgggghhh! [Same as last time and the time before that, and the time before that] If it's Mr.Back, don't answer, hello. [no answer] No! I didn't mean it! [crying sound comes from telephone] I didn't mean it! [About to hang up] What? You answered! Cool! Woooooow! I am? SUPER DUPER! I am back! [hangs up] I am back! I am back! [screaming from telephone] Awwwwww... You know what.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

This is my favorite comic character. Posted by Hello