Thursday, May 26, 2005

This is a photo of Shadow Kuro being challenged to a boxing duel by the boxing king! But, Shadow Kuro uses his multiplying attack to make seven more copies of himself! Now, the opponent will have to find the real Shadow Kuro out of the 8 ones before they all defeat him! Posted by Hello

You may think on this episode of Shadow Kuro, that the police force catches the spy. Well, you are wrong. His "Red Cat Cape" allows him to fly the hight of 10,000 feet. The speed of the Red Cat Cape's flight is 1,000,000 MPH! Plus, he can defeat 900,000,000,000,000,000 police officers unill he tires out, and that he loses his calws/gets caught! Wait untill the next Shadow Kuro episode for more details! Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Here is another story on Shadow Kuro! He tries to hide on a tree, but since it is daytime, he can easily be seen. So he decides to kill everyone that passes, so they can only report him to the police force in the afterlife! Ha, ha, ha! How ammusing! Posted by Hello

This is a story about Shadow Kuro again! Here, the police executed a fake Shadow Kuro! That is because Shadow Kuro wanted them to think that he is dead, so he put a life size doll of himself on the street, and called the police. When he heard the siren, he ran away! Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

This is one of my last shady pictures! What a nice diguise Shadow Kuro has! Posted by Hello