Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Am I Late?

My Post for today is:

Tell me, under any circumstances, am I late? Yes? That's strange, by how much time? Wait, let me check... 10 minutes, half an hour, an hour... ABOUT HALF A YEAR? Oops, sorry...

Ok enough with the joking, and let's get to the joking...

Today I was working on a domino pile... It fell on my head, and it REALLY hurts! THAT REMINDS ME! I NEED TO CALL THE DOCTOR!

Telephone: "Ring, ring"
I answer
Me: "Who is it?"
???: "Oh, it's me Dr. Doctor!"
Medico (cross that out) Dr. Doctor: "I'll be there so fast you won'y be able to say "Medical helping"!"
I hang up
Me: "Medicl helpi-"
Door: "Knock, knock, knock!"
Me: "Wait, I need to say "ng"!"
Me: "ng"
I open the door
Dr. Doctor: "Did you say it?"
Me: "Yes!"
Dr. Doctor: "Oh, so that was the "ng" thing!"
Me: "Yep! Wait, wait, no, No, NO!"
Dr. Doctor: "Ok, let's start..."
Dr. Doctor: "Yep!! Nothing wrong!"
Me: But I want to be a poor, sick guy, so I'll get free presents..."
Dr. Doctor: "Too bad, try next time!"