Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm Back!!

My Post for today is:

I am very, very sorry I didn't post for over a year!! But now I'm back! Here I come!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


My Post for today is:

Sorry I'm late! By... 1 minute, 2, 3... ALMOST TWO MONTHS!

Finally! I just got back!

Today my cousin has a Bar Mitzva! Weird date, 06/06/06! (My other cousin had 04/04/04!)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Am I Late?

My Post for today is:

Tell me, under any circumstances, am I late? Yes? That's strange, by how much time? Wait, let me check... 10 minutes, half an hour, an hour... ABOUT HALF A YEAR? Oops, sorry...

Ok enough with the joking, and let's get to the joking...

Today I was working on a domino pile... It fell on my head, and it REALLY hurts! THAT REMINDS ME! I NEED TO CALL THE DOCTOR!

Telephone: "Ring, ring"
I answer
Me: "Who is it?"
???: "Oh, it's me Dr. Doctor!"
Medico (cross that out) Dr. Doctor: "I'll be there so fast you won'y be able to say "Medical helping"!"
I hang up
Me: "Medicl helpi-"
Door: "Knock, knock, knock!"
Me: "Wait, I need to say "ng"!"
Me: "ng"
I open the door
Dr. Doctor: "Did you say it?"
Me: "Yes!"
Dr. Doctor: "Oh, so that was the "ng" thing!"
Me: "Yep! Wait, wait, no, No, NO!"
Dr. Doctor: "Ok, let's start..."
Dr. Doctor: "Yep!! Nothing wrong!"
Me: But I want to be a poor, sick guy, so I'll get free presents..."
Dr. Doctor: "Too bad, try next time!"


Thursday, October 27, 2005

My Post for today is:

I am running awfully low on time these days, and I hardly ever have time to work on this blog (because of homework).
Well, I will work on it every, I dunno, 3-10 months...
I have been off time.
Anyway... Thursday, October the twenty seventh...
I've had a pile of homework, I added a goal of reaching Mt.Fuji's hight with the big pile of work to do.
Friends are coming in and out of my apartment every day.
I have to go with mom to the mall every week 3-7 times.
And all of this work is annoying me?
Is this my longest post?
I don't think it is.
But it looks pretty long...
Ring, ring, ring... Oh, sorry it's the telephone, one moment...
Hello? Yes. Yes. No. NEVER!!! Ok. Yes, I know there are 10 pages of homework due tomorrow. Ok. Bye, Mr. Teacher.
Sorry, where was I? Oh, yes...
Well... Ring, ring, ring! Sorry, one moment please...
Homework san? Oh, yes my 10-page story about a grape that rolled of the desk... I know it's due in 5 minutes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Ye-No. Yeah, of-NEVER!!! Ok. By Mr. Angry Princepal...
Ok, where was I... Let me check the time... ... ...
(Door slams)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

My Post for today is:

Here are some smilies I saw in

:{ }:


If you see the smilies, post a comment to this post. You might not see them.

Hit Counter!

Here's a hit counter:

Hit Counter

Web Counter

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Hello, everyone! New things! The Ariel's Blog Guestbook is released. I hosted it at I think! To click on the Guesbook link on the side bar, or click the link shown under:

Read my DreamBook guestbook!

Sign my DreamBook!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Do you know some games that I might know?

Do you know some games that I might know, too?
For instance:
"Gameboy Advance"?
I have nice games on my Gameboy Advance.
My favourites on Gameboy Advance are "Pokemon Ruby" and "Pokemon Sapphire".
I rock at those games.
How about:
"Nintendo Gamecube"?
I have great games on my Nintendo Gamecube.
My favourite game on Nintendo Gamecube is my "Pokemon Colosseum".
I have beaten anyone I have ever met in my entire life in that game.
I also like the Nintendo Gamecube game called "Mario Kart: Double Dash".
In Mario Kart, I have beaten everyone I have ever met, except for my best friend.
Add a comment to this post If you have a game to share with aanyone.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Israel Trip-Interesting Disconnection

Not too long ago, I flew to Israel from Japan with my family. I have heard that there is a "disconnection" happening in Israel at the moment. Israel is disconnecting from Gaza. There are 2 teams: Orange, and Blue (right and left). The orange team wear orange shirts, bandanas, and most of all: An orange ribbon on the antenna of their car, or somewhere on the car. Same with blue team, but the items (like ribbons) are blue. The orange team has more people on it at the moment. Everyone in my family, except for one of my cousins, and one of my aunt's husband are blue. I am also orange, disagreeing with 19/21th of the family, so, 3 out of 21 people in my family, including me, are in orange.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

This is a photo of Shadow Kuro being challenged to a boxing duel by the boxing king! But, Shadow Kuro uses his multiplying attack to make seven more copies of himself! Now, the opponent will have to find the real Shadow Kuro out of the 8 ones before they all defeat him! Posted by Hello

You may think on this episode of Shadow Kuro, that the police force catches the spy. Well, you are wrong. His "Red Cat Cape" allows him to fly the hight of 10,000 feet. The speed of the Red Cat Cape's flight is 1,000,000 MPH! Plus, he can defeat 900,000,000,000,000,000 police officers unill he tires out, and that he loses his calws/gets caught! Wait untill the next Shadow Kuro episode for more details! Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Here is another story on Shadow Kuro! He tries to hide on a tree, but since it is daytime, he can easily be seen. So he decides to kill everyone that passes, so they can only report him to the police force in the afterlife! Ha, ha, ha! How ammusing! Posted by Hello

This is a story about Shadow Kuro again! Here, the police executed a fake Shadow Kuro! That is because Shadow Kuro wanted them to think that he is dead, so he put a life size doll of himself on the street, and called the police. When he heard the siren, he ran away! Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

This is one of my last shady pictures! What a nice diguise Shadow Kuro has! Posted by Hello

Monday, April 25, 2005

My ninth birthday!

My Post for today is:

Happy birthday dear me!

Am I...

1? No!

2? No!

3? No!

4? No!

5? No!

6? No!

7? No!

8? No!

Tech- No! (techno!)

9? Well, what do you think, buster?

Me: Yeah that's right! I'm tech-

Everyone else: No!

Me: Excactly! Techno!

(Wait. Thinking error. I am not tech- no! I am 9!)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

This is another one, but it's always about this criminal called Shadow Kuro, and his life, so try getting the story, the pictures are in order from the bottom to the top. Get the story? Posted by Hello

This is a cool picture I drew today! Posted by Hello

This is one of my favorite shady drawings I drew! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

This is another of the shady pictures I drew, and there will be more, so be aware at all times, and visit this blog almost every day! Posted by Hello

This is another one of these shady pictures I drew! Posted by Hello

This is a cool picture I drew. Check it out! Posted by Hello

Friday, March 18, 2005

Who's Back?

Hello! Who is back? ME! I am back! Yay! Let's celebrate! What? [Talks on telephone]
Darn, I'm not back! [Telephone rings, Talks on telephone] Yay! There is someone back! That is... ME![Telephone rings] I am Ariel, you are whoever, Hello? What? No way! How come? Yes, no, no, no. DARN IT![Hangs up] I am not back. Or am I? Arrrgggghhh! [Same as last time and the time before that, and the time before that] If it's Mr.Back, don't answer, hello. [no answer] No! I didn't mean it! [crying sound comes from telephone] I didn't mean it! [About to hang up] What? You answered! Cool! Woooooow! I am? SUPER DUPER! I am back! [hangs up] I am back! I am back! [screaming from telephone] Awwwwww... You know what.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

This is my favorite comic character. Posted by Hello

Friday, February 25, 2005

This is one of my favorite comic characters:
 Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 05, 2005

I Might Stop Posting A Little

I might stop posting for a while...
Don't worry about that. If the "while"
at the top goes over 2 months, please
e-mail me and say so as soon as possible

Kind Regards,
Ariel S. Gabbay

Monday, January 03, 2005

Dedication 5

Dedication 5, the final dedication:

To any family member I have missed out, aunts, grandmas, grandpas, and so on so fourth...

Izrael: Second Winter Holiday Trip

After all those stuff we did at New-Zeland, we went to my home country, Izrael.
We did...


We visited:

Grandma 1
Grandma 2
Grandpa 2
My Cousins
My Aunts

Anyway, my dad's blog is a very un-visited blog, and is way more interesting and long than mine. I strongly suggest you should visit it for great details about our winter holiday. It's URL is:

Thursday, December 30, 2004

New-Zealand: Winter Holiday

Today, FINNALY! I got to post, so as you see at the date, it's been a pretty long while. We went to New-Zealand, now I am in Hong Kong. Here is the list of things we did at New-Zealand:

Puzzle World
Internet Access
Long-Car-Trips (30 mins. to 7 and a half hours)
Gondola Rides
Going on a helicopter with my dad, we land on a GLACIER my first time on a glacier

And best of all...


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

List Of Read Books!

My Post for today is:

Reading list!

Check it out! I have a list of books that I have read!

  • A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning.............By Lemony Snicket
  • A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Reptile Room..............By Lemony Snicket
  • A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Wide Window..............By Lemony Snicket
  • A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Miserable Mill.............By Lemony Snicket
  • A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Austere Academy.......By Lemony Snicket
  • A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Erzatz Elevator...........By Lemony Snicket
  • A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Vile Village...................By Lemony Snicket
  • A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Hostile Hospital...........By Lemony Snicket
  • A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Carnivorous Carnival.By Lemony Snicket
  • A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Slippery Slope.............By Lemony Snicket
  • The Incredibles............................................................................Adapted By Irene Trimble
  • The World Almanac And Book Of Facts 2005